Our new paper, authored by former lab technician Olivia Anastasio and lab alum Chelsea Sinclair ('21), has been published in Evolution. Males of many species, including fruit flies, invest more reproductive resources when they mate with high-quality females, a process known as "cryptic male mate choice". In this paper, we show that this increased male investment in high-quality females reduces their paternity success in their future matings! This cost can limits male reproductive potential over their lifetime. Also see Barnard's news piece on our paper!
Today was Olivia Anastasio's last day as the Pischedda Lab Technician. She is leaving to start a new position as a Laboratory Specialist in the Barnard Biology Department. Olivia will be part of our Introductory Biology team, teaching intro bio labs and discussions. We will miss her in the lab, but the department is lucky to have her!
Taking over as our lab tech will be Pischedda Lab alum Avigayil Lev, who graduated from Barnard in 2022 and completed her Environmental Science senior thesis in the lab. We're thrilled she is able to stay on in the lab! Olivia Anastasio, Pischedda Lab technician extraordinaire, was interviewed for Barnard Biology's Research Corner as part of a feature on the lab technicians that help keep our labs afloat during the pandemic. Check out her interview here!
Today is a big day for the lab! After 9 months of fly care in my garage lab, all of our flies are finally being cared for on campus where they belong! Thanks to our lab tech, Olivia, for making this happen. To mark the occasion, please enjoy this artwork provided by lab alum Karolina Szenkiel!
This was a big week for the lab as we welcome our new Lab Tech, Olivia Anastasio to the lab! Olivia comes to us from Clark University, where she earned her Bachelor's and then completed her Master's working in Kate Mathis's lab. Olivia will take over caring for the flies (which means I can gradually move them out of my garage lab!) and will help us restart our experiments in 2021. We're so excited to have her join the team!
January 2025